Health & Safety Policy
The virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to others by infected persons who have few or no symptoms. Because of the hidden nature of this threat, it is the policy of this business to require the following:
FACE COVERING REQUIRED IN ORDER TO ENTER AND REMAIN ON PREMISES. All persons over the age of ten (10), including employees, customers, visitors, invitees and contractors (“Patrons”), who enter this business must wear a face covering over their nose and mouth, such as a homemade mask, scarf, bandana, or handkerchief.
• The requirement of a face covering does not apply if covering the nose and mouth poses a significant mental or physical health risk to the individual.
• The requirement of a face covering also does not apply when an individual is consuming a food or beverage or receiving a service where the wearing of a mask would impair the performance of the service.
• All drivers must wear masks at all times on premises of delivery locations.
SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS. Even with the use of appropriate face coverings, individuals should maintain six feet of social distancing whenever possible.
• Employees should not work within six (6) feet of one another, except to the extent necessary to provide services.
• Patrons should maintain six (6) feet of separation from other individuals outside their household, to the extent feasible when inside the business premises.
• Patrons of the business queuing or waiting inside or on the premises of the business must maintain six (6) feet of separation from other individuals outside their household.
VIOLATIONS. Patrons who do not wear a face covering will be asked to leave the premises and will not be provided goods or services until the face covering requirements are followed.
NOTICE AND SIGNAGE. Notice of this Health and Safety Policy will be posted in a conspicuous location of the business.