Willbanks Metals
Willbanks Metals - Sheet, Plate, & Structural Steel Products

Grating – Expanded Metal (Carbon Steel)

Est. Wt. Lbs. Per Sq. Ft. Style Width
Diamond Size Width By Length Dec. In. Diamond Openings Width By Length
Dec. In.
Strand Size Thickness By Width Dec. In.
4.27 Treadway 48, 72 96 1.412 x 4.00 1.036 x 2.969 .250 x .295
3.14 Hiwalk 48, 72 96, 120 2.000 x 6.00 1.657 x 4.903 .250 x .308
3.0 Grating 48, 72 96 1.333 x 5.33 1.041 x 3.732 .179 x .267
    72 120, 144 1.333 x 5.33 1.041 x 3.732 .179 x .267
4.0 Grating 48, 60, 72 96, 120 1.333 x 5.33 .975 x 3.594 .215 x .297
5.0 Grating 48 96, 120 1.333 x 5.33 950 x 3.400 .215 x .371
6.25 Grating 48, 72 96, 144 1.412 x 5.33 .915 x 3.460 .312 x .346

NOTE: All expanded metal dimensions and weights are approximate and subject to mill tolerance.


Size, In. Size, In.
Size, In.
Size, In.
1/8 x 3/4 3/16 x 1 1/8 x 1-1/2 3/16 x 2
3/16 x 3/4 1/8 x 1-1/4 3/16 x 1-1/2 3/16 x 2-1/4
1/8 x 1 3/16 x 1-1/4 3/16 x 1-3/4  

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Willbanks Metals is one of the nations largest general line steel service center in the southwest United States. We consider ourselves a ‘one stop shop’ for the consumer of steel products and fabrication services.

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